We all remember clicking through the channels looking for something to watch with hundreds of channels on tv. We would find a movie, that every time it came on, you would watch it, no matter where it was in the movie, until the end. We all have a list of those movies. What are some of yours?
One of mine is The Karate Kid. The original one. I first saw this movie at a drive-in in Los Angels. I played around with martial arts in my younger years. I was a kid that was picked on for a number of reasons growing up. I could see myself in Daniel-san. It gave me hope. I’ve seen all the subsequent ones, but the first one was the best. In my adult life, I began to seriously train in martial arts. Now we have seen the story come full circle with Cobra Kai series on Netflix.
I had a great-uncle that served in the Battle of the Bulge. I remember getting all kinds of books from the library to study this battle. An interesting look at history. “NUTS!”
A cowboy musical comedy is an interesting category. But this movie had it all! This was my introduction to Mel Brooks.
Filmed at the old Ohio Reformatory in Mansfield Ohio. This is a great film about redemption. I wrote a paper about this film in Seminary for a course on Shame.
As an avid kilt wearer, I have to put Braveheart on this list. It is historical fiction, real characters, but the story may not be exactly like it was in the movie. I like how the Irish king plays a valuable role.
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