What is the MISSION of Earth and Cup?

To build an intentional missional community that centers on a holistic approach to life; which leads to the transformation of body, mind and soul, on the individual, group and institutional levels; and invites us to accompany those in vulnerable segments of the population.


What does Earth and Cup mean by the term VULNERABLE SEGMENTS OF THE POPULATION?

We believe the focus of our mission outreach is to provide accompaniment through holistic wellness to vulnerable segments of the population. We have researched the clinical use of movement to overcome traumatic events/critical incidents in life. Research has shown that movement programs assist in overcoming physical, mental, emotional and spiritual trauma.

  1. What might be considered a “vulnerable” segment of the population? We use a wide definition for determining vulnerability and traumatic events. These may include but not be limited to: homeless, hungry and food-insecure, those suffering from symptoms of PTSD (such as military personnel, law enforcement, fire service, EMS, accident survivors, survivors of domestic and/or any violence, abused and/or exploited children, survivors of human trafficking, going through any traumatic event), cancer patients and survivors, illness and disease, movement disorder patients, any physical trauma, addictive behavior recovery, natural disaster survivors, personal trauma, going through prolonged isolation, persons who have survived abuse due to belonging to a protected class, and survivors of institutional religious abuse.
  2. There are many situations and circumstances in life that may be considered a traumatic event or critical incident. Many of these are easily determined, whereas others are based on the affect of an event to the individual person.

We have experience working with a variety of these segments and circumstances: hungry, homeless, at-risk teens, domestic violence survivors, cancer patients and survivors, movement disorder patients, amputees, law enforcement, disaster response, prolonged isolation, and clergy.

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