What does the name “Earth And Cup” mean?
Earth and Cup acknowledges that we are all part of an expansive cosmos. We are connected to all things and beings on this earth. We have an effect on all things, and all things effect us. We must care for relationships and be honest about our connected-ness. We realize that we journey through life like fragile cups, susceptible to cracks, missing pieces and breaking entirely. We acknowledge our frailty. We also understand transformation happens when we empty our cups, to be re-filled with a different approach. We also embrace the realization that our cracks, our missing pieces and our brokenness contribute to our uniqueness the All humanity shares a common journey that unites us as inhabitants on this earth. We hold much more in common than we do in difference. We ask others to journey with us, as we constantly empty our cups, to find transforming directions to daily life.
What service might Earth And Cup provide?
We have been active in yoga, tai chi, qigong, meditation and karate for many years, as well as leading seminars and workshops on a wide variety of topics. We have worked on integrating what they learn into their daily lives. Combining health and wellness models with meditation, prayer and study, have furthered their desire to share this approach with others.
What approach does Earth And Cup take on providing these services?
Earth and Cup has a family-focused approach to their classes. Earth and Cup seeks to promote a sense of community among participants where we can work together towards common goals. Relationships are formed and deepened through classes and workshops. The desire is not only to teach movement skills, but to assist in people in transforming their daily lives.
What does “Pay As You Are Able” mean?
We at Earth And Cup desire to make our classes, workshops, and retreats available to as many people as possible, regardless of socio-economic status. We don’t ask for a specific fee for our services. There are times when we may list a “suggested donation”, but it is not required. We ask people to pay what they are able. If someone is able to pay $10 – $20 for a class, or $1 or $2, or even nothing at all; that is all fine with us. It is our hope that people who are able will pay more, so that others who are not as able to pay may participate. We teach in various settings in the community for vulnerable segments of the population. Many times, centers and organizations are not able to pay us, and so we teach for free. Our hope is that others will support the totality of our approach, by placing in our donations boxes what they are truly able.
How does Earth And Cup work to make the world a better place?
Earth and Cup hopes to serve and share with others by taking this holistic approach to those some consider the more vulnerable members of our community: homeless, hungry, victimized, crisis centers (domestic violence, addiction, veterans), children and teens, elderly care facilities, and others who live on the fringe of society. We have previously worked with a crisis center and a physical therapy program for those with movement disorders. They have found that this holistic approach leads to resilience. Resilience can become transformational for those involved.
What are the longer range plans of Earth and Cup?
Earth and Cup hopes that, over time, those involved would form an intentional missional community. The type of community where we invite others to journey with us, in the midst of an ever-changing world, towards a more holistic approach to daily life and where participants are transforming themselves, their families, friends, and strangers.
Why be transformed?
Humanity brings about harm to ourselves and others out of our own suffering. Earth and Cup endeavors to have a better understanding of our common human dilemmas that might be transformed. This transformation leads us to share in mutual partnership to better ourselves, our relationships, our communities, and the world at large.
Earth And Cup, Inc. is incorporated in the State of New York and is a registered 501(C3) non-profit organization.
Connect with us on Facebook at Earth And Cup.
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