Michael Poole has been studying martial arts since 1991. Michael holds a Third Degree Black Belt in Beisho Karate since December 2019, through the Shorin-Ryu Karatedo and Kobudo Association of American (SKKAA). He received his First Degree Black Belt in Kobudo (Ancient Okinawan Weapons), Tai Chi Intermediate ranking and Assistant Instructor rating in July 2015; and his Kengei (sword) Okuiri (Entering the Secrets) rank in August 2020; all through SKKAA. Michael also has a Orange Sash in Hung Gar, studying under Grandmaster Tony Brown. He became a Master Trainer with the Tai Chi for Health Institute in January 2025, after traveling to Sydney, Australia (headquarters of TCHI) for his MT training program. He holds a program leader certification in Tai Chi for Arthritis through the Arthritis Foundation; and instructor certifications in Tai Chi for Diabetes, Tai Chi for Energy, Tai Chi @ Work, Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention, Seated Tai Chi, Qigong for Health, Tai Chi for Rehabilitation, Tai Chi for Life and Tai Chi for Heart Conditions through the Tai Chi For Health Institute. He also teaches Tai Chi for Commuters. Michael was an instructor at the YMCA, teaching classes in tai chi , karate, and self-defense from 2013 – 2015. Michael is a 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, as well as completing the YogaFit for Warriors (trauma-sensitive yoga) 140 hour certificate, the Warrior Kids (Trauma Informed) 100 hour certificate, and the 100 hour Mind Body Recovery Coaching certificate.
Michael is the co-founder of “Potlucks to End World Hunger”, a grassroots hunger initiative. Michael is also the founder of “Kilts 4 Kause”, a program for testicular, prostate, and colo-rectal cancer awareness. In 2014, he spent, a “Kilted 50 For Charity” year, wearing a kilt everyday; raising awareness, advocacy, action and funds for ELCA World Hunger and the American Cancer Society. He has turned Kilted 50 For Charity into a charitable foundation.
Michael was an adjunct faculty member of Urbana University for three years, teaching in the areas of philosophy, ethics, and religion. Michael is a retired police officer and served ten years in the Ohio Army National Guard as a military police officer. He authored a book, Gospel for the Law: A Daily Devotional for Law Enforcement (2005).
Michael graduated Magna Cum Laude from Columbus State Community College in Columbus, OH; receiving an Associate in Applied Science in Law Enforcement. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology/Criminology from Capital University in Bexley, OH. His Master of Divinity degree is from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Bexley, OH. Michael completed his Master of Sacred Theology degree at Trinity Lutheran Seminary, with a focus in preaching and worship. His thesis was “A Proposed Four Year Thematic Lectionary the Contains the Entire Canon.” Michael is currently working towards a Doctor of Ministry degree at United Lutheran Seminary (Philadelphia / Gettysburg, PA). He attended The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, majoring in Theatre; as well as Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA, in the area of Moravian Studies.
Michael appeared in two movie in his younger days. He enjoys dabbling in play writing and performing in dramas, plays, one-acts, and musicals. Michael plays the bagpipes and practices Irish Step Dance in his spare time. He has authorized a book of poetry, The Journey (2023).
The Rev. Michael L. Poole, Jr. was ordained a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 2004. He has served congregations in Ohio; Staten Island and Long Island, NY; and New Jersey. Michael led seven trips to New Orleans, LA for recovery efforts following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. He holds a Basic Police Chaplain certification through the International Conference of Police Chaplains. He has a Certificate of Specialized Training for Spiritual Care in Crisis Intervention, one in Critical Incident Stress Management for Emergency Services, as well as one in Critical Incident Stress Management during Mass Disaster and Terrorism; all through the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. He is an Adult Mental Health First Aid Instructor through the National Council on Behavioral Health. Michael received his Disaster Chaplaincy Training through the National Disaster Interfaiths Network. He is a Level 2 Lutheran Disaster Response Volunteer, and served as a Ready NY Emergency Preparedness Presenter for NYC Emergency Management. He is also a trained Intentional Interim/Transitional Pastor through the National Association of Lutheran Interim Pastors (NALIP).
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