Earth And Cup is able to provide customized classes, retreats & workshops. We will work with you to put together a unique experience that meets your need.

Here are some of the workshops and retreats that we have led previously:

Art & Energy

This workshop uses tai chi movements to create art. The intent is for participants to be able to have a visual understanding of energy. We use a variety of mediums.


We create customized self-defense workshops for women, kids, and at-risk support groups. These workshops are put together to address the specific concerns of the group, and the skill level of the group. These workshops include a discussion of personal safety, practical hands-on techniques, and the opportunity for Q and A.


We organize community action events called “Hunger Huddles”. A Hunger Huddle is typically a day-long event that addresses the systemic issues surrounding hunger, both domestic and international. These events have included watching and discussing documentaries on hunger; having speakers from the government, hunger agencies, and other sources; studying the issues that lead to hunger; encouraging advocacy for hunger issues; evaluating hunger resources in the area; and addressing the goals of hunger organizations around the world.


We teach half and full day workshops on prayer and leading a prayerful life. These workshops explore the various methods of public as well as private prayer including but not limited to: prayerful movement, labyrinths, prayer beads, icons, and prayerful meditation.


We organize and lead interactive worship experiences. We also work with leadership teams to foster a theology of God as Creator in order that worship might inspire creativity in ways that deepen our faith.


These sessions invite us to consider the changing nature of our communities and the surrounding culture in the 21st Century. The group will engage in conversation about community expectations, neighborhood involvement, and engaging transformation. We teach the foundational practices of missional accompaniment (mutual partnership with the other) and encourage the development of intentional missional communities.


This workshop engages our olfactory senses as we walk through the Biblical story. The historical as well as practical modern-day application of essential oils is discussed. Participants leave with a small sample of oil and an understanding of how the ancient practice of aromatherapy can assist the body in reducing stress, boosting immunity, and reducing inflammation.


This workshop gives information to begin thinking about preventing falls before they happen. Students also practice proper posture, breathing, balance, and walking to help prevent falls.


This workshop focus on developing a mission / vision strategy for groups and organizations, as well as individuals. Students will discuss the elements of mission and vision. Exercises help to develop a strategy for engaging the world.


This workshop works through the Beatitudes as they appear in both the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke. We discuss the similarities and differences. We connect a variety of essential oils with each of the beatitudes. We also combine the beatitude with movements from the Eight Pieces of Brocade. This workshop assists the participants in embodying the beatitudes in daily life.

Please contact us to discuss creating and event for your group.

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