For the training year 2019-2020, I decided to focus on the sword. In our organization, Beisho http://beisho.org/index.html the first level for sword is OKUIRI (Entering the Secrets). So I chose to call this training year: ENTERING THE SWORD. I focused on the variety of swords that I have been trained on: broadsword (dao), straight sword (jian), wooden sword (bokken) and the katana. At the end of the year, I put the forms on video.
Here is the list of forms I worked on this year:
- Straight Sword 32 Tai Chi form – I dedicated this to Sensei Jan Hansen, for being my teacher for the last 28 years.
- Kun Lun Sword – A Kung Fu straight sword form. I dedicated this to Sifu Tony Brown for being my teacher for the last 10 years.
- Gojushiho Jian – Several years ago, my training focus was the kata Gojushiho. As part of that focus, I worked on Gojushiho as a tai chi straight sword form. I dedicated this to Beisho Karatedo (SKKAA) for providing me the organizational structure to continue my martial arts.
- Tai Chi Broadsword – I dedicated this to Sensei Sue Hollobaugh for being my teacher this last 5 years.
- Fu Mei Darn Dao – A Kung Fu broadsword form. I dedicated this to Papa Christopher Clarke and the leadership of Beisho.
- Kendo No Kata – I dedicated this to my training group who have been working on this piece every week during the pandemic.
- Omori-Ryi – The first four (4) kata of the iaido form. I dedicated this to Sensei Michael Pepe for being my primary teacher these last several years.

I enjoyed this year of Entering the Sword. I learned a lot. And look forward to my next steps in my training. Here is the video of my presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DBmRLYtvY0

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